Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Check-in: Italy! Italy! Italy!

Let me apologize for my ridiculously long absence.  After my semester ended I took a mental break and embraced the sun and sea.  Living in Hawaii, it is such a crime to not go out and enjoy the beaches so I had to make up for definite lost beach time.  Can you blame me?  I kid, I kid.  But let me make it up to you all by sharing my extremely exciting news!  Can I get a drum roll please?  For my upcoming fall semester, I will be studying abroad in Florence, Italy! Yeeeeessssssss!  I've already set a countdown on my phone and as of today it is T-75 days till Florence baby.  

I know I want to blog about my adventures as a way to personally document my time there but I'm just not sure on the route to take.  Would you all like me to do it here or would you prefer a separate blog dedicated just to my time in Florence?  I'll definitely be blogging about the food since I will be in a culinary capitol of amazingness but there will also be posts on everyday lifestyle/life-event type things.  Let me know what you think and what you would prefer.


Photos courtesy of